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Gymnema sylvestre (Gurmar)

A woody perennial vine found in India and known for anti-diabetic activity. Known as “the destroyer of sugar” in traditional medicine due to its ability to temporarily suppress the taste of sugar on the tongue. Extracts from leaves of Gymnema have been used to reduce blood sugar levels and fight diabetes. Gymnemic acid, a saponin from the leaves is an active component of Gymnema which is responsible for medicinal properties.  


A woody perennial vine found in India and known for anti-diabetic activity. Known as “the destroyer of sugar” in traditional medicine due to its ability to temporarily suppress the taste of sugar on the tongue. Extracts from leaves of Gymnema have been used to reduce blood sugar levels and fight diabetes. Gymnemic acid, a saponin from the leaves is an active component of Gymnema which is responsible for medicinal properties.  


Health benefits

  • Gymnemic acid from leaf extract lowered sugar blood levels, possibly by inhibiting absorption of sugar from the food in the intestine and increasing the insulin level in the blood. Further Gymnema reduced the required insulin dose in subjects with insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • Reduced the absorption of fat from the food in the intestine, lowering triglycerides (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the blood and thus helps in the management of heart health.
  • Helps in weight management: Gymnema, by inhibiting absorption of fat in the intestine helps to reduce body fat and thus helps to manage obesity.


A dose of 400 – 500 mg of Gymnema extract has been used safely in human subjects